On Saturday, May 18, Manakin Episcopal Church is hosting a one-day retreat for women called “Bee-ing in Balance.”  When our lives are in balance, we are grounded and centered in God’s love; we are connected to our Creator and our own creativity; and we are intentional about caring for ourselves in mind, body and spirit.

The retreat will feature three presenters: Mimi Weaver, a certified spiritual director and life coach. She has 30 years of experience leading retreats and is excited to come to Manakin to share her thoughts and experience on “being in balance.” Halsey Dillard is a certified Virginia Nurseryman and has spent her life in nature and “bee-ing creative.” Halsey will help retreat participants learn to use flowers to tap into their Creator within and into their own creativity. Maggie Parker Brunner, a personal trainer and fitness director at Burkwood Club will show participants exercises that will strengthen their bodies and help them stay in balance.    

The retreat starts at 9:30 a.m. in Denny Hall at Manakin Episcopal Church (attendees may want to arrive a few minutes early to enjoy coffee) and will end at 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be catered. The cost to attend the retreat $15.  Call the church office at 794-6401 to reserve your spot.