Dear Friends,
“September is the other busiest month of the year”. This year certainly proves that to be true. With Rally Sunday, three weddings and a funeral already in the books, we have a lot to celebrate. In addition to these services, we will be embracing National Suicide Awareness Month. Together with St. Luke’s, we will be hosting events and forums to encourage conversation around this difficult and painful topic. We hope to see you and your friends a lot in September.

The statistics shown on the front of The Messenger state that 83% of people attend church because they were invited. When was the last time that you invited someone to join you at Manakin? Do you love your church so much that you want your friends and neighbors to join you here? This is your church where you receive spiritual nourishment, education, inspiration and strength. This is received through worship, forums and fellowship and although we may think things are great here, we can be better.

I recently read an article written by Lorene Hanley Duquin “How you can make your parish better”. In this, Duquin suggests six ways that we can work towards being the best:

1. Think of yourself as part of a parish family. As a parish family we share a common heritage and history. We are grounded in the same beliefs, values and traditions. With our commitment to one another we form a family foundation.

2. Be welcoming. Opening welcome visitors and newcomers by introducing them to other members of the congregation. Help to incorporate them into parish activities and events. During worship invite them to sit with you and to join you afterwards for fellowship time.

3. Use your gifts and talents for the good of the parish. Many gifts are needed for each and every service. God has given you a unique gift and talent that is intended to be shared. Please see committee chair or me to find the right use of your gifts and talents for Manakin. There is something for everyone!

4. Attend parish events. Community is built through participation. Getting to know other members of your parish family is typically done outside of worship. Your attendance to events not only shows your support for the organizers, but also your fellow members.

5. Support your parish financially. Giving to the Church is more than a financially obligation, it is a recognition that everything we have is a gift from God. Giving is a spiritual practice that shows our support of the work that God has called us to do at Manakin Church.

6. Pray for your parish. Please keep the staff and fellow parishioners in your daily prayers. Pray for those whom you see regularly and for those who have strayed away. Listen to how God is calling you to respond to these prayers. You may be encouraged to reach out to someone in support by calling or sending a card or an invitation to worship.

Can you imagine what we could do if each person committed to following these suggestions? I am excited just thinking about it.

See you Sunday!