Dear Friends,
During the Lenten season, we began each service with the Penitential Order and included the Decalogue, which is the Ten Commandments. One Sunday, a parishioner asked if 6 out of the 10 commandments were properly observed would that be considered passing and did I think that God grades on a curve? I laughed assuming that the inquiry was in jest, but then I thought there probably are some who think this way. Is God holding a checklist and marking off pass or fail?

This is what Easter is all about. God loves us so much that he sent his son to live and die as one of us. The resurrection is proof that Jesus overcame death and the grave to save us all. Salvation is a free gift and thankfully we are the recipients. Living a life with belief in this doesn’t make us wonder if we are doing enough to get in, it gives us hope in knowing what is to come.

Once we have a true understanding of this, our lives naturally reflect our relationship with God through Christ. The Ten Commandments are easier to observe because we desire to love God and to love our neighbor.

Yes, I believe that God grades on a curve and it is one so broad that when we are marked as Christ’s own forever, we pass. That’s living an Easter life, one that is lived in belief of the resurrection.
