Dear Friends,

“Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

I was recently reminded of the Jewish practice of posting a doorpost scroll (Mezuzah) containing scripture from Deuteronomy. The Biblical passages from the Torah form part of the Shema Prayer that are written on a small scroll and put in a container, many times very ornate, and posted by the door. The residents of the household are reminded of their obligations toward God as they enter and exit the home. Those who pass by the house know that those who live there are of the Jewish faith and practice their beliefs. There are so many Jewish traditions that form the foundation of our faith that I wish we observed as Christians. The Mezuzah is one of those.

If someone was to enter our home, would they know that we are Christians? Do we have crosses, pictures or readings posted to remind us of our obligations toward God? I visited a friend who moved to a new home not long ago and on her table was the above quote from Reinhold Niebuhr. It touched me as a remembrance that faith, hope and love are the basis for our belief as Christians. This writing serves as a daily reminder to my friend of her dependence on Christ as her savior.

We remain in the liturgical season of Easter during the month of May that ends on the 28th with Pentecost. As we continue to experience the resurrected Christ in our lives, what are our daily practices or reminders as we come and go from our homes of Jesus’ sacrifice for us? As our neighbors visit or pass by, do they know we are Christians?

I would love to hear about your household practices of faith.
