You are invited to join us during Lent as we explore the topic, “Walking with Jesus during Holy Week.” This year’s program brings together Manakin Episcopal Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, with program locations alternating between the two churches. Through presentations, we will gain an understanding of the importance of each service during Holy Week. As we journey with Christ to the cross, the meaning of the services and music will become more relevant in our growth. All the services we discuss during this program will be offered at St. Luke’s, Manakin or both during Holy Week.

The program will include daytime, online and evening options.

In addition, to support your personal practices during Lent, we share Lenten Journey 2022 booklet.

This program will begin at noon and will be available in person and online. If you’d like to attend in person, please bring your own lunch. The program will conclude with Noonday prayers.

To join the noon program by Zoom, use this link:
Meeting ID: 857 9944 3998 Passcode: 519105

This program will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share. The program will conclude with Compline.

SCHEDULE (Please note the church location for each program)

March 9
Gini+ Presenter (Palm Sunday)
Noon – Bag Lunch at Manakin (also offered through Zoom)
6:00 p.m. – Potluck Dinner at St. Luke’s

March 16
Dale+ Presenter (Tenebrae)
Noon – Bag Lunch at St. Luke’s (also offered through Zoom)
6:00 p.m. – Potluck Dinner at Manakin

March 23
Gini+ Presenter (Maundy Thursday)
Noon – Bag Lunch at Manakin (also offered through Zoom)
6:00 p.m. – Potluck Dinner at St. Luke’s

March 30
Dale+ Presenter (Good Friday and Stations of the Cross)
Noon – Bag Lunch at St. Luke’s (also offered through Zoom)
6:00 p.m. – Potluck Dinner at Manakin

April 6
Gini+ and Dale+ Presenters (Holy Saturday and Easter Sunrise Service)
Noon – Bag Lunch at Manakin (also offered through Zoom)
6:00 p.m. – Potluck Dinner at St. Luke’s