During the month of August, we are encouraging our families to give to others in our community by donating items to address two areas of need in our community. Flat Rock Elementary School in Powhatan County has given us a list of needed school supplies to collect that will support their students and teachers, and Comfort Case, an organization that helps children in crisis, has given us a list of needed supplies to help their children they serve. As you are out and about doing your own shopping, pick up and item or two, bring them to church, and place them in the containers in Denny Hall. The supply lists can be found outside the Sunday School classroom in Denny Hall. Please return by Sunday, August 26, 2018. Contact Julia Eliades for more information!

School Supply Donations for Powhatan School
Flat Rock Elementary School in Powhatan is excited by our offer to help their students and teachers this year by stocking their shelves with needed supplies. Supplies will be distributed at the beginning of the year and all through the year. Thanks to Katie, Matthew, Monroe, and Martha Grace Harrison for delivering our donations.

Comfort Cases for Children and Youth in Crisis
What is a Comfort Case? A Comfort Case is a small duffel bag or backpack with a purpose to provide comfort for children and youth as they enter the foster care system. Our case provides the essentials for the first few days in a new place as well as comfort items to help ease a scary transition. You can make a difference in the life of a child in need by donating any of the items listed.

List of Supplies for Flat Rock Elementary School in Powhatan

Back-pack (Non-rolling) large enough for folder, snack, lunch box, and a coat
Pair of 5” blunt point Fiskars metal scissors
8×5 plastic pencil box
Large zipper pencil pouch
One-subject spiral notebook, 3 subject spiral notebooks (wide rule)
Marble composition notebooks
3×5 index cards, 4×6 index cards
Heavy duty plastic pocket folders (bottom pockets)
Palette of 8 color watercolor paints –Crayola preferred, it has a better brush
Letter size clip board, flat clip preferred
Box of 24 classic color crayons (Crayola)
Box of washable primary color markers
4 oz Elmer’s glue sticks
Regular yellow #2 pencils
Pink Erasers, Pencil top erasers
Box of Colored Pencils
Black Sharpies
Pack highlighters
Ruler (inches and centimeters)
Pipe-cleaners, popsicle sticks, and play dough
Ear buds
Large boxes of tissues
Box of gallon size, sandwich size, and snack size Ziploc bags
Box of baby wipes
Containers of Clorox wipes
Large Expo dry erase markers, dry erase board, and dry erase eraser
Pack white lunch bags
Box plastic spoons
Bottle of hand sanitizer (12oz)
Pack of 9” paper plates (not Styrofoam)
Box of plastic forks

Supplies for Comfort Cases for Children in Crisis

Backpacks or Small duffle bags
Coloring books
Hotel size hygiene supplies