By Birdie Lighthiser

Manakin is a community of believers. We are also a family. When one of our church-family members is in distress or crisis, we are there to help. Every member of Manakin is a member of our Pastoral Care Committee. Thank you for the many acts of kindness and support that you performed throughout the summer. Interested in getting involved? There are many ways you can help a member of our parish, including meals (Gracious Gourmets), transportation, visits, cards, e-mails, help with yard work, and phone calls. If you or someone you know needs help. Please contact us. If you are willing to help in some of these organized ways, please contact the church office.

In addition, Manakin’s six Stephen Ministers have been caring for individuals in a different way. Stephen Ministry is a lay-led ministry that involves caregiving on a regular basis – usually weekly visits. We will be training additional Stephen Ministers beginning this fall. If you hare interested in being a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office

Don’t forget our Prayer Vine. Prayer requests can be made at any time. If you would like to be part of our Prayer Vine, please contact the church office.