By Jo Blandford

A new year of Christian education starts Sunday, September 7 at 9:45 a.m. All ages, infant through 12th grade are welcome.

Sunday, September 7 is Bring-a-Friend Sunday. It is also Sunday School registration in Denny Hall. Class assignments by grade will be posted. After registering for your class, you will meet your teachers and have group time working on an outreach project with Susie Stone and her helpers.

Sunday, September 14 will be the first day of the regular class schedule. Class begins at 9:15 a.m.

I hope you will get involved with our children’s Christian education by teaching. If you are interested, please see or call Jo Blandford or contact the church office. We are a church family and our children need our guidance and love. We did promise at their baptism to help them grow in the Christian way.