Many people come together to make worship at Manakin a beautiful experience.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the church for weekly services, as well as baptisms, weddings and funerals. Members, who work in teams that rotate throughout the year, arrange flowers, polish brass and silver, set up the sacraments for Eucharist, and more. The Altar Guild always welcomes extra sets of hands to help, so if you would like to join or if you would like to shadow one of our teams to find out what Altar Guild is all about, please contact the church office.

Lay Readers, Chalicists and Intercessors
This team has historically referred to a person licensed by the Bishop to assist in the conduct of religious services to include reading lessons, administering the chalice at the Eucharist and, on occasions, preaching. Now, not every volunteer has to be licensed.

National Church and Diocesan Canons govern the appointment, licensing and training of volunteers who assist in regular worship services and visitation ministries. At Manakin, volunteers are solicited to be trained by the Rector as: Intercessors who lead the Prayers of the People, Lay Readers (Lectors) who read lessons and conduct Morning Prayer, and as Chalicists (Eucharistic Ministers or Eucharistic Visitors). Only Chalicists must be licensed by the Bishop to be able to administer the sacrament at regular services or take consecrated sacrament to shut-ins. They must be confirmed members, active in worship and in support of the church.

In addition to regular services, separate Eucharistic visitors conduct services and administer the sacrament to residents of two local retirement centers once a month.

Any one interested in exploring service in any of these roles should contact the Rector or the Church Office.

Ushers assist parishioners and guests before, during and at the conclusion of the 10:00 a.m. Sunday services. Church members who wish to volunteer should contact the church office.