Stewardship at Manakin is more than the campaign conducted each autumn when the letters are posted setting out the financial needs of the parish, the goal of the current effort and providing the pledge card with which one can make a financial gift commitment for the coming year. Stewardship at Manakin is the continual demonstration of the need each of us has to give of our time and our talent and our treasure. Further, our Stewardship is our recognition that every good thing is a gift from God and that we give out of gratitude to God. From there, our spiritual growth and trust is encouraged. As a Steward, we have each been placed in charge of something that belongs to someone else.
Through our Stewardship we change lives. Through our Stewardship our buildings and grounds are maintained and improved so we have a place to come to for worship and fellowship, solace and pardon, strength and renewal. Through our Stewardship our rector and staff fulfill their Christian service. Through our Stewardship our many and varied programs of outreach, and of inreach, are brought to fruition and flourish.
Stewardship at Manakin is key to our life as a parish and must be cared for deeply and richly. If you are interested in learning more about Stewardship at Manakin, please contact the church office.