Dear Friends,

I am often asked about membership in Manakin Church. With Bishop Haynes visiting us on September 8, this is a good opportunity for us to address this question and to discuss what it means to be a member. Please note that whether or not you are an official member of the Church, you belong by worshiping and participating in the life of the congregation with us.

Here is some general information about membership in the Church:

  • Baptism makes us members of the Universal Church. The Episcopal Church recognizes all persons who have been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity. We then live into the meaning of our baptism within specific congregations. I
  • If you were baptized in the Episcopal Church and have been a member of another congregation, you can become a member of Manakin Church by having a letter of transfer sent to the church office. Wendy, our parish administrator, can take care of facilitating this.
  • Those who were baptized and confirmed in another denomination can become a member by being received by the Bishop.
  • All baptized members are encouraged to receive the sacrament of confirmation. In confirmation ‘we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.’ After confirmation, the person is a member of the congregation.
  • A communicant in good standing is one who for the previous year has been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and has been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God. Communicants over the age of 16 years who are members of the church may serve on the vestry and vote in elections.

Now is the perfect time to explore being a member of the Church. The youth are completing their confirmation preparation. Several adults are finishing up the Inquirer’s Class and will be confirmed or received as well. Please keep them all in your prayers as they journey through this important time.

Lenora Goodwyn
Martha Grace Harrison
Sally and Jim Dunn
Emily Ellinghausen
Margaret and Bobby King
Valarie and Jacques Riviere
Kathy and John Watkins

If you have any questions about membership, confirmation or being received in the Episcopal Church, please let me know so that we can discuss your specific situation. In general, membership in Manakin Church is a sign of commitment to the community that is dedicated to serving God and you.
