Dear Friends,

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”  (Heb. 10:24-25)

A habit is a routine that begins with an intentional choice that results in a lifestyle change. Church attendance is a habit, either to participate or to withdraw from. Over the summer church attendance typically drops as family activities draw folks away. I look forward to our full engagement as we turn to the new program year in September.

One way that I can see us stirring up one another to love and good works is through encouraging one another. We can do this by expressing our enthusiasm (from the Greek – God filled) in our church and community. Just a few of the September opportunities:

Labor Day Sunday will be Aidan’s last official Sunday with us. Aidan will lead the services and preach.

Monday, September 2, Labor Day will be another Day of Mission as we labor with our friends at St Luke’s at Shalom Farms.

First Fridays will kick off again with a fellowship gathering in Denny Hall on September 6 from 5:30—7 PM.

The Men of the Church will reconvene with breakfast on September 14.

On September 15, we will commission our many ministry leaders including members of our acolyte team, altar guild, choir, lay readers, streaming team, teachers and nursery providers and ushers. All those who help to bring our Sunday worship services together.

On September 22, we will have Forum at 9 AM and following the service our middle school and high school youth will gather with their parents to plan our activities for the coming year.

We have an exciting month ahead with many opportunities to stir up one another to love and good works!

I look forward to the routine of seeing you often.
