Adult Forums
Forums address a variety of topics spanning all aspects of church life. Our adult forums are designed to help adults grow in relationship with God and each other and to explore how their faith shapes their daily lives. Forums are typically led by our Priest and/or Director of Christian Formation, or other speakers invited from our community.

Tuesday Morning Study
Our Rector leads a Tuesday morning study at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. This study offers a safe and sacred space for those who wish to delve deeper into faith conversations through bible study, theological reflection, and spiritual practices.

Lenten Wednesday Evening Program
During Lent, we offer a weekly program on Wednesday evenings in Denny Hall.  The evening includes dinner and fellowship, followed by the program. These programs are offered during this most holy season of the church year to encourage reflection on the teachings of Jesus and on our Lenten disciplines and practices. Programs are led by our Priest or by special speakers.


Special retreat days are offered during the year for those who wish a quiet day of reflection, further study on a specific topic, or fellowship with others. Retreat days are posted in our church publications.


Additional Programs
Manakin also offers Men’s Bible Study and a Monthly Inquirers Class.