A Message from Michael Walker, Senior Warden

Fellow Parishioners of Manakin,
As the October newsletter arrives at your house, we are in the middle of a very busy and important time for our parish. Nominations are being solicited for Vestry and for the search committee, Sunday School has started for the fall, and the memories from the annual Gala are still fresh. The Men of the Church are planning their Brunswick Stew sale, some parishioners are preparing to host fall adult dinners while others are planning other activities for the parish. I feel so honored to be part of this active parish and I hope each of you feels the same way.

As you know, we have had a variety of supply priests visit us over the last few months, conducting the Sunday Worship services while Michael+ is on his sabbatical. What you may not know is the effect the people of Manakin have had on these ministers. We have received many comments from them about how wonderful their visits to our church have been. These priests have experienced the warmth, friendliness and generous nature of our parish. They’ve enjoyed conversations and hearty welcomes during handshakes at the back door of the church and over a cup of coffee in Denny Hall. The supply priests have been to a number of parishes in their careers, but they all have felt the hospitality of Manakin from the very start of their time with us.

Your Vestry recently spent some time with representatives of the Diocese sharing information about our current status. The one common thread throughout that conversation was the strength and dedication of our people. Although we all live in different houses, we are part of a much larger family and we genuinely care about each other, as well as our community and the people who live there. We see it in everything we do as demonstrated in all our ministries.

As we move through this period of transition, service attendance is strong, and our ministries are thriving. This is a testament to you and your faith. You are the heart of Manakin and I appreciate all you do for each other and for the parish.

As I have said before, your Vestry is here to serve you. The wardens have asked the Vestry to make direct contact with members on their roster list. We want to know what is on your mind, so when the time comes, I encourage you share your thoughts and concerns with them. These contacts are important to us, especially at this time.

Note: As Manakin moves through this transition period, members of our congregation will be contributing to the Rector’s Message section of our web site.