By Birdie Lighthiser

Galatians 6:2
“Help carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:10
“So then, as often as we have the chance, we should do good to everyone, and especially those who be- long to our family in the faith.”

Thank you to all who have reached out and shown kindness to someone in our church family during this past month. Phone calls, cards, conversations, e-mails, meals, transportation, prayers, visits, flowers…all of these are ways we can help one another. If you know of someone who might need help or if you are willing to sign up to be a person who will help, please contact the Church Office. Thank you to all of you who are on our Prayer Vine. Thank you to our Gracious Gourmets. And, thank you to our Stephen Ministers who quietly continue to reach out to their care receivers. Also, thank you to the Rev. Martha Jenkins who continues to be our clergy person during this time of transition.