By Birdie Lighthiser

Manakin has four newly trained Stephen Ministers. After nine weeks(40 hours of training), we are ready to offer you our newest Pastoral Care ministry. Stephen Ministers provide Christian caregiving to people who are going through crisis. It is a lay ministry and does not take the place of our pastor. It is lay Christians ministering to Christians.

If you are not a part of our Prayer Vine, and would like to be, please contact me with your e-mail and you will be added to our list of prayer warriors. Any items of praise or requests are gladly sent out on the Prayer Vine. You may share as much, or as little, information as you feel comfortable with. Our Prayer Vine has been very busy and we constantly see the results of our prayers!

If you would like to have your name added to our list of “Gracious Gourmets”, please contact me. “Gracious Gourmets” are willing top prepare meals for people in our church family in their time of need.

Thanks for all that you do for each other at Manakin. We are truly blessed to have such a generous and caring church family!