By Birdie Lighthiser

Our next hot lunch feeding at Greater Mt. Moriah Baptist Church will be on Wednesday, April 29. Manakin, in partnership with Richmond Friends of the Homeless, prepares a hot meal and serves it to about 250 homeless and working poor. The program is located at 913 N. 1st Street (adjacent to Gilpin Court in the City of Richmond). Feeding is from 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Volunteers need to be there about 45 minutes early. Sign-up sheet are on the bulletin board in Denny Hall.

This is one of the many ministries of Manakin’s Outreach Committee. Reimbursement is available through Outreach for your casserole preparation. We need people to serve and people to prepare food. Thank you for the amazing support of this ministry in the past year. We feed in every month with a fifth Wednesday. So far, we have fed approximately 1,200 hungry people through this ministry. Thank you!