Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Most of us remember the pleasant melody from “the King and I “ beginning “getting to know you, getting to know more about you . . .” Now I am not Yul Brynner, but I am a bit bald on the top where I don’t notice it (but you can), and I am the new boy on the block that you are getting to know. I am also doing my best to get to know you, and I have several hundred names and faces to learn while you have just one. My dear wife, Ann, if she were still living, would be of great help in this task at which she was much better than I am. However, I have begun to meet with both individuals and groups in my short time among you.

I will use this messenger column as an official “thank you” note to express my gratitude to Bob Pinkham, Linda and Brooke Doggett and Linda and Chuck Catlett for hosting me at their homes and feeding my body as well as my soul. I have met with Birdie Lighthiser and Paula Price to discuss pastoral needs and Stephen Ministry responsibilities. Tricia Kohlbeck and Pat Rock have enlightened me concerning the mysteries and ministries of the altar guild. (Note the spelling is “altar” – i.e. God’s everlasting throne and table, not “alter”, which would indicate perpetual worship changes).

On Monday, June 20th, I participated in a Christian Formation/Education Committee meeting chaired by Elizabeth Vaughan and Drew Wilson and Junior Warden, Holly Walker. I got to know members as they “brainstormed” concerning future Sunday School and Adult growth and development ideas. Chandler Williams and the Search Committee had me as their guest at an informative and productive Search Committee meeting. The Vestry likewise included me in their most recent deliberations. By the time you read this, I will have joined the Worship Committee in a planning session and met with your interim provider of pastoral care, The Rev. Martha Jenkins.

For the warm hospitality and welcome given to me on these occasions and following each Sunday worship service, I am thankful and honored, and I especially want to acknowledge and thank your wardens and Vestry members who have shouldered the task of leading the congregation since your previous rector retired. I hope and expect to meet and begin to know many more of you during the weeks ahead. We will soon have a computer, email address and a cell phone for text and voice messages to reach me personally. Meanwhile, let Wendy know if you would like to see me and she will put you on my calendar. I normally expect to be in the office Thursday afternoons, most Fridays and some Saturdays; God willing and my wayward spine cooperating! You are a fortunate congregation to have Wendy, Rita and Jo as a devoted, long-serving staff. With their able assistance, we will set our sails to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit and move together where God takes us, learning more about each other “day by day”.

Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Dr. Tom Bauer