By Birdie Lighthiser

One big part of the Pastoral Care Committee is not only to nurture people’s spirits in their times of need, but also to nourish and nurture their bodies! We have a group of about 25 ladies (it happens to be ladies right now but men are more than welcome to volunteer!) who are contacted and asked to volunteer to deliver meals to anyone who we know needs a helping hand with meals. We have provided approximately 60 meals to parishioners in the past year. An e-mail is sent to our Gracious Gourmet list and anyone who is able to sign up for meal delivery provides this kind ministry. These generous people can prepare a homemade meal or deliver a nutritious purchased prepared meal. Meals are delivered after surgeries, during sickness, after family deaths or whenever we can be of assistance. If you have not volunteered to be a Gracious Gourmet and would like to, please contact the church office.